Eastern Australian Market Report
Published September 12, 2018 by Tim Marwedel
Market dearer. Less than 2% passed in rate.
- CommentThe market opened stronger and maintained the level throughout the sale. Good yield and specification most affected. The new season clip remains ahead of schedule and selling as soon as it hits the broker stores.
- FleeceBest 16.5/18.5 micron 2% dearer.
All others 19.0 micron and finer a full 1% dearer.
19.5 / 21.5 micron 0.5% dearer.
- Skirtings16.0 / 17.0 micron best lots keenly sought and 2 to 3% dearer.
All others 1% dearer including faulty.
- Open TopNominally 1% dearer.