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The Schneider Group Blog

SFA Gold Award achieved by Monital Cashmere

Monital Cashmere achieves certification of SFA Gold Award 

The Schneider Group’s cashmere dehairing plant Monital Cashmere…
Natural Fibre Connect 07-09 September 2022

Wool Connect turns into Natural Fibre Connect

After two successful Wool Connect conference editions, it is…
wool connect logo main event (1)

Wool Connect 2021 Summary Report

Wool Connect - Connecting people with people and people with…
James Symes G. Schneider Australia

New addition to the G. Schneider Australia team

James Symes joins the G. Schneider Australia team Starting 1…
Wool Connect Conference ReportThe Schneider Group

Wool Connect Conference Report 2020

More Consensus Needed - Wool Connect Online Conference Concludes   On…
Cradle-to-Grave Wool LCAkate-hliznitsova-0ejPucrlxFs-unsplash

Cradle-to-Grave Wool LCA Published in Leading Journal

First Full Wool LCA Reveals Importance of Use Phase - IWTO funded…

Giovanni Schneider at the digitally held IWTO Congress 2020

Watch the Giovanni Schneider's speech at the digitally held IWTO Congress 2020.
Organic Lanolinanastasiia-ostapovych-IMm3o-Kfkf8-unsplash (1)

The Quest for Organic Lanolin

Managing Director Ralf Kunert of Naturamus explains what can…
Life Cycle Assessment at The Schneider Groupcharistopher-rusev-UV5aY8N73dA-unsplash

Life Cycle Assessment at The Schneider Group

How to define and create a Sustainable Wool Business? As society…

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cristian-palmer-481520-unsplash (1)
Ralf Kunert from Naturamus


Tim Marwedel The Schneider Group
Wool Sheep - The Schneider Group - 1080x650

IWTO Wool Fact Sheets