
Fine wools mixed, coarser wools ease.


South Island only offering 8,500 bales.  The selection consisted of 25% crossbred fleece, 32-38 micron good/average style, 25% merino/halfbred fleece good style, 20% crossbred second shear/hogget shears up to 3/5″ generally good colour, 20% associated oddments, 5% reoffered lambs and 5% miscellaneous types.  A softer demand across most sectors resulted in a general ease in the market.  India Sub Continent and the Australasian carpet mills with some support from China produced the main demand during the course of the day.

Fleece Wools

Merino fleece, better styles 2% dearer, average styles 3% cheaper.

Halfbred fleece 23-25 micron 4% dearer, 26-27 micron 10% dearer, 28-30 micron 3% dearer.

All crossbred fleece types up to 5% cheaper.

Second Shears

Crossbred shears including hogget shears 75mm & shorter 2% cheaper.


Better style clothing oddments fully firm.

Poorer style 5% cheaper.

Combing oddments all descriptions very firm.


15% Passed In.

Next Auction

North Island only, offering 7,700 bales, 12 November 2020.