Eastern Australian Market Report
Published August 29, 2018 by Tim Marwedel
First superfine wool sale of the season. Best types keenly sought after by Italian interests.
- CommentJust 1.6% of the Eastern fleece offering was passed in as growers ‘cash in’ on the market strength leaving little wool in store unsold. The market was firming slightly across the board despite a stronger AUD against the USD.
- FleeceBest 15.0 / 16.0 micron 2% dearer.
Best 16.5 / 18.0 micron unchanged.
Good 15.5 / 17.5 micron 1% dearer.
Good 18.0 / 21.0 micron sellers favour, slightly dearer.
- SkirtingsBest fine skirtings at least 1% dearer in an improved selection.
Burry types unchanged.
- Open TopNominally very firm but difficult to quote in a small offering.